Gunhild Halvorsrud

Responsible professional regulations
Phone: +47 916 85 770

Gunhild Halvorsrud

Gunhild Halvorsrud has over 30 years' experience of safety work in public transport, from NSB, the Norwegian Railways, the Norwegian Railway Authority and Lloyd's Register Consulting. She originally has a background as a signal engineer and has led larger signaling environments.

She has worked with safety management within railways, trams and subways for several years both in the Norwegian Railway Authority (1997 – 2011) and as a consultant (since 2011). She also has extensive experience as an assessor.

Gunhild has also worked extensively with regulatory development, both of national and international regulations, she participated, among other things, in the work on the establishment of a common risk method for risk management, CSM RA as a Norwegian representative in the working group at the European Railway Agency. She is active in standardization work, and was, among other things, strongly engaged in Cenelec's work with the new edition of EN 50126 part 1 and 2 from 2017. She has lectured at a large number of courses and conferences.

Gunhild Halvorsrud has a master's degree in organization and management with a specialization in security and reliability, a cand.mag. degree in computer science and is a university engineer in technical cybernetics.

Special areas of expertise:

  • Safety management within transport
  • Risk assessment and risk management
  • European and national railway regulations
  • The RAMS standards EN 50126, EN 50128 and EN 50129
  • Signal technology.
  • Course leader and speaker